Sunday, April 26, 2009

Insights from the Welsh countryside...

Posted by ac08qbla

Everytime you meet somebody in this place, they would ask you (or you would ask them), what's up??, how's life??, or how's everything goin'?? I'd always say, "It's good, . . ." without really thinking about it..

SO, really, how is life being here?? I'd say it's amazing. Never did I think I was any luckier all my life.

Let me tell you how this all started..
Grabbing the opportunity: One day, when I was in Grade V, I think, all of my class were invited to the very useless library of my school. So we went there, and there was a talk about "Philippine Science High School". This girl, talking to all this children - I don't think she realized or ever thought that somebody from that group would be able to pass the examination. But yeah, so no one in my class seemed to be really enthusiastic about it, and since I was the top student, my teacher gave me the brochure of the school.. It is so funny looking back, I see myself thinking that it was so expensive - the dorm costed 60 pesos!! That will take like almost a lifetime to pay with my allowance!! haha..
So yeah, my mom was quite enthusiastic about it, kind of regretting that i'm stuck in my elementary school because she didn't know anything about schools in the city - so perhaps, it was worth the try. The day of the examination came, and I, along with 2 others, took the entrance exam. It was so funny, I didn't go to any review centers or something.. My mom just bought me some reviewers, which she didn't even understand.. So it was more like self-study.. And I was quite lazy.. Yet I thought I was clever enough, like the most clever person ever, so I had no worries.. I took the test. Results came after, and like my guess, I passed!! My two other classmates didn't, but i did! So 2nd screening came, and I took the exam not knowing what's at stake, or how will it totally change my life. I finally passed, like just above the cutoff, but yeah, I was lucky, but I didn't know how lucky I was..
My School: Elementary School came and went, high school came and I was so excited!! New people, from all around western visayas, and beyond!! It was quite funny speaking in ilonggo, it gives you some sort of "eliteness".. haha.. I wasn't surprised I was able to speak it properly because I spent a year studying in CPU when I was in Kinder II. But yeah, I can say at that time that the school was a "*&£%!&%^!!! It totally destroyed me, my ego and all!! I was almost in tears when the results of the 1st quarter grades came. I was rank 17, and it's just in my class!!! I realized I wasn't smart at all, i'm just . . . me..XP
I didn't know if I was really lucky or not, but somehow, I loved the school.. I was neither forced to do any gardening before the start of the class, nor any gardening in the afternoon!! No more Home Economics or Industrial or Agricultural Arts (which I thought was useless) to be bothered with. Just more study and more study - and I felt like, "this is where I belong!!" - though I didn't study much.
So High School came and went - there I found my best of friends, somebody I love and I still do, and the best class ever!!! There I also learned a hell lot of things - not only biology-physics-chemistry-$*£^&"&!!!! How to make good friends, how to deal with other people, how to have fun in the midst of all the shit life may bring, how to CRAM, how to play volleyball - all those essential life skills!!
Choosing time: I only applied to 2 universities, and I only tried 1 scholarship, but yeah, with a streak of luck, I got them all!!! I was thinking of a bit of extension of my high school life in university - living with my high school friends sounded to be amazing!! So yeah, I went for my first choice, of course, University of the Philippines - Diliman. I went there, with all enthusiasm, with all the best of luck and prayers from my family back home, that I will become an "Iskolar ng Bayan". But that didn't seem to be how things turned out. I got accepted into United World College of the Atlantic, with a full scholarship. But I already enrolled into UP-Dil, so it was a big dilemma for me.
Pro UP: I can go home during christmas breaks/summer breaks. I will be with my friends. I am sure of the quality of the university. I have some relatives there. Je and Bessie are just around.
Anti-UP: Manila is so £^$*£%^ hot!! I'm not so secure of my finances, DOST $^£*^, terror professors, not secure.
Anti-UK: Nothing really made sense.. I am taking 2 years back, because it I am not still taking a degree. Hassle passport and visa applications.. British-English speaking people.. I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT AM I GOING INTO. I'm leaving my family . . . and some other people I love..
So yeah, I took the risk, and everything turned out to be fine. I chose the right thing, now I am pretty sure of it.
How am I so lucky then?? Well, let's just say that it costs a lot to send me here - like more than everything my parents own, even if you triple it or something.
Here, I met great people, great friends - friends from different cultures and religions and walks of life, and had a wider perspective about the world. It is such an amazing experience, and it's halfway over.
Now I am faced with a lot of opportunities abroad in prestigious universities, that I am pretty sure will never allow me to go back home for a few years or so.. But I'm coming home this May!!
This life is priceless.. God has blessed me with so so much, and I never got to realize it.. And I am really thankful to God for everything..
But yeah, after all, I'm still the Quinn you all knew, and that will never change - except for the better..
p.s. Have you seen those people who won millions on TV?? Can I jump and scream like them now??
Quinn Earl Blanco
UWC-AC '08-'10


Amazing Grades said...

bessie! kent ni! wen ka mapuli? i mean tentative date?

ac08qbla said...

Haha.. of course I would know you.. Sin-o ka gani liwat?? hehehe..

Anyways, I think it would be on the 23rd or the 27th of May.. Either or.. May plans ko daan of changing my flight tickets..

Keekers said...

Hay. My gahd, Friend. I'm so excited to see you!!! :D
Tani, makahapit ka samon sa Miagao. After getting in touch with your family of course. :]
Humm... Halong ka gid pirme, Friend, ha?

Amazing Grades said...

to bessie: oh thats nice! kung sa 27 gd man, basi upod pa ta mag balik sa iloilo... hasta pa dan 25 class ko d.. haha!excited na me! lagaw gd ta ha!

to friend maan: friend, wen ma start class nyo? gusto ko man magblik sa miag.. haha!

Keekers said...

Wala pa postings, Friend. Wala pa ko gani kabalo kun san-o enrolment. >_<

kfernandez said...

yeah...lagaw gd kmu hah..hope to see u ol soon..nakz..nkijoin mn s cnverstion..hehe..(c",)


ac08qbla said...

Nag-ano ka sa miag bessie aw?? hehe..

Kf: join join lang ah.. hehe..


Galing may mga class na na kamo by then.. huhu.. ako lang maovernight eh!!! hehehehehe..

Keekers said...

Wala gid ko ka-overnight. Ever. ._.

Hmm. Transient ka samon! Haha.

Amazing Grades said...

cge overnyt ta! dugay pa man! june 2 pa man ko mblik manila... haha! lagaw ta ha! andam ka lang d taka makita! haha! magblik ka iloilo, ma ship ka or ma plane?

ac08qbla said...

Plane, i think.. Kagamo sang ship.. And mas lapit ang airport sa leon.. Kag isa pa, kung subong ko mabook sang flights ko, tag 800 lang man ang ticket, mas barato pa sa ship.. hehe..

I don't know, but i think i'm taking the earlier date, which is the 23rd.. Gusto ko na gid daan magpuli, yet mich wants us to stay for a few more days.. But apprently mama badly wants me to go home as well.. so yeah.. pero i'm pretty sure makitaay man ta sa iloilo, or else.. hehe..

diin ta abi maovernight?? kay teenie, kay bubi?? or kanday lower or something?? OR SA BALAY MO BESSIE!! HAHAHA..

@friend maan: kaagi na ko ya overnight sa inyo house friend.. hehe.. remember, IT report third year??

Keekers said...

Ay huo gali no?
Daw indi ko na mabelieve na natabo to. Like, madumduman ko ang duwa to nga stupid things natabo due to that.
Nainit and bwisit nga Canadian, kay ako lang to ang bayi sa grupo. Haha.
Kag isa, ara to gali si James. Siyet.

P.S. Nakita ko si Na-ching-ma sa mercado sa Miagao. Nasapak ko man siya. Sapak ya man ko. Pero I dunno kun kilala ya pa ko. Haha.
Ara pa siya gali sa RADDL, gaubra. Gininterview siya sang Ratsada to ata parte sa Swine Flu. Lol. Wala lang.

Amazing Grades said...

t cge! basta communicate t d ha! kitaay gd ta! day kat pra may spag! haha

ac08qbla said...

Haha.. What does he know about the swine flu then, apparently it's quite new, isn't it??

Pero amazing si na-ching-ma,, hehe..

Makes me remember SSIP.. Hey, ginhatag niya gali nga grade sa akon, 1.75.. Abnuy bala aw.. nakita ko lang sa transcript of records ko.. hehehe..

BESSIE!! SIGE KAY BUBI, tapos sa inyo naman!! or kadto ta leon!! hehe..

Keekers said...

I...wasn't able to listen completely. Hay.

Haha. Boot ka man sadto. Obedient. Unlike some people who fall asleep on duty. Hehe.

Keekers said...

And it's not exactly new either.
There have been outbreaks before. I dunno kun nakalab-ot di sadto, though.

Amazing Grades said...

haha! d pwd sa balay! ara si daddy butch! maabot siya this may hehe... hi friend maan! kad2 na lang ta leon! haha

ac08qbla said...

who was falling asleep on duty?? I didn't know about that!! hehe.. Hehe.. apparently I didn't know how to communicate properly back then, like how to deal with people and all, so I think he was kind of basing it on that.. PLUS I didn't like his office smelling of cigarettes either..

Remember when james just knocked at one point when we were having like a meeting with na-ching-ma.. and he was like "ano na ang gatuktok man??" It was so so funny..

And I remember as well ang time nga nag wrong send ang mom ni james sa akon, like she was telling me to buy fish!! hahahahha..

Bessie, i'll talk to my mom about it.. hehe.. ano gid na kay daddy butch aw?? remember mo sang grad, me, you, and kino were sitting at the back of that cab?? close man kami ni tito butch.. hehehe.. niwang ka pa gihapon or what?? hahaha.. or as better phrased: nagniwang ka gid man bala?? hehe.. i'm gonna see you soon bessie..XD

Amazing Grades said...

basta! haha... kad2 ta leon or miag ao! haha... im stil working on it... ambot... lantawa mag abot ka... daw nagtambok bla mu.. kinda (denial stage) haha... funny gd man 2 ang pag tuktok ni james... du angga 2 sya haha

Keekers said...

Ako bala mung. Ang tuyo pirme... -_-

Big Friend! Pwede man ah. Hehe.

Abi to bala naton, pispis. Daw kaw to bala Friend naghambal. Hahaha.
Yeah... The cigarette aura. Hehe.

Dumduman nyo pa gid? Ang pagpungko ya sa pulungkuan ya? Nga super-straight ang likod? Hahaha.

Grabe kadlaw ko ba. As in... Memories. Hahaha.

Amazing Grades said...

gabika pa na sya! straight back, wide open ang iya thighs kag ga shake iya fingers haha!

Keekers said...

Ga-shake fingers ya to?
Hahaha. xD