Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hmm. Epiphanies.

Posted by Mixtry

Daw wala gid ko gapost. Like, at all. And it's also unlikely nga may mabasa.
Let's see.

Don't you just hate it when some people complain too much? Especially when there's basically no reason to? Some people just do. And they complain about people doing about their own business, needing to unwind as much (or even more) than they (the former) need to. Like seriously, stop being such a fatass (Eric Cartman), thinking that the world revolves around you and only you, and that things must go right for you at other people's expense. You're just another part of the society and being part of the social contract, you must abide to the rules and do your part while enjoying the freedoms of being within it.

Another realization: Some people brag about the most insignificant of things, when they have no reason to at all. They seem to be capable of achieving the smallest things, and are content that way. And therefore, they don't bother to strive any further than that. Or, it's that they brag about things that aren't supposed to be prided upon (things that one shouldn't be proud of).
Point: They're losers. Something so tiny an achieved goal is something great for them. Which would be insignificant for us, and great for them is just...unimaginable. Ironically enough, some things we take great pride in are basically...things that have the same value of shit.

That's all I've got so far. Luckily these things still stayed in mind.

Hi Tau. Just a public service announcement.