Saturday, February 14, 2009

Guys!! Listen up!!

Posted by ac08qbla

You may be going through sh*t, but cheer up guys!!

It's Valentines Day!!!!

Happy Valentines Tau!!
Love you all!!
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas..
BTW, I will be performing tinikling in the international show here, how cool is that?? haha..


Mixtry said...

Happy Valentines, Tau.

Kabalo ka gali magtinikling? xD

ac08qbla said...

Of course I can.. haha.. ginaunderestimate mo dancing powers ko friend.. haha..

oblivious2dobvious said...

belated happy birthday kay MAAM CERLA...

feb 14 bday niya noh???

kfernandez said...


i know kpila n n maipit feet mo!!(c",)