Saturday, January 24, 2009

Uber mega Nosebleed pick-up lines...

Posted by Anonymous

haha! uy fepul! kun kis-a lng ko gapost, pro funny gid ni xa ya...
as in naentertain gid ko... basaha... pleeeeze....n.n laba xa, pro damu pa na da funny sa dalom so tiisa niyo nlng ang weird nga parts... gin ubra ko gid red ang font sng favorites ko...n.n haha!
2009 na daan, t slytly naglala ang ang akon kondisyon... nyahahaha!xp

1. You're like an exothermic reaction, you spread your hotness everywhere!

2. I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves

3. If i was an enzyme, i'd be helicase so i could unzip your genes

4. I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.

5. Baby, you overclock my processor.

6. Be my queen and mate me with your knight moves.

7. Baby, you make my floppy disk turn into a hard drive

8. You make me want to calibrate my joystick without the latest drivers

9. You must be auxin, cuz u r causing me to have rapid stem elongation. (plant hormone na xa gli ang auxin...n.n)

10. I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?

11. Baby i'll treat you like my hw- I'll slam you on the table and do you all night long

12. Hey baby, can i see what's under your radical?

13. If I were an integral, I'd fill you up.

14. I'm a fermata... hold me

15. I wish I were your second derivative so i could fill your concavities.

16. did you just combust?? Because you're HOT!

17. By looking at you I can tell you're 36-25-36, which by the way are all perfect squares.

18. Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be what they call FINE PRINT!

19. What do you say we go back to my room and do some math: Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply

20. Baby, you're a 9.999999999...but you'd be a 10 if you were with me.

21. Baby, everytime i see you, my cardiovascular system gets all worked up

22. I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.

23. What's your sine? The sine^(-1) of you must be pi/2 cause you're the one

24. If my right leg was christmas and my left was Easter, would you like to spend some time between the holidays?

25. You have nicer legs than an Isosceles right triangle.

26. Your so cute you make my zygomaticus muscles contract. (Muscles that make you smile)

27. When you and me get together it's like superposition of 2 waves in phase.

28. Want to meet up so I can excite your natural frequency?

29. If I was sin^2 and you were cos^2 together we would be 1

30. You know.. it's not the length of the vector that counts... it's how you apply the force

31. If I move my lips half the distance to yours... and then half again... and again... etc.... would they ever meet? no? Well in this specific case i am going to disprove your assumption.

32. If i was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?

33. I wish I was an Ion so I could form an exothermic bond with you.

34. If my right leg is the cell wall and my left the membrane, do you want to be the cytoplasm?

35. Our love is like dividing by zero.... you cannot define it

36. Lets meet somewhere... you bring your beaker and I'll bring my stirring rod

37. Baby let me be your integral so I can be the area under your curves

38. Hey baby, what's your tanx cosx?

39. Lets get together and test the spring potential of my matress

40. Let's discover our coefficient of friction

41. Baby, you're so gneiss I'll never take you for granite.

42. I heard you're sin because you're always on top when we make tangent (tanx=sinx/cosx)

43. You be Flourine and I'll be Francium and maybe later I can give you an electron

44. My sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me I love you

45. Whoops, I think my binomials just expanded

46. I must be the Sun and you must be Earth, cause the closer we get, the hotter you become.

47. Excuse me, ma'am, but can I get your seven significant digits?

48. I'm overheating because you're stuck in my head like an infinite loop.

49. You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond!

50. Baby if you let your acid react with my base, you can count on getting 100 MOLES of my water and salt

51. Would you like to enjoy my laptop, I promise I don't have any viruses...

52. i'm relativistic: the faster I go, the longer I last.

53. That dress would look better accelerating towards the floor at 9.8 m/s/s

54. I'm a star. Wanna taste the Milky Way?

55. I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun-with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.

56. YouTube Myspace and I'll Google your Yahoo

57. Baby, I can feel an attraction between you and me, and it's more than just our universal gravitation...

58. How about we make like the change of base law, with you on the bottom, and me on top?

59. Baby if you were a 6 I would want to be your (reflection about the x-axis + then reflection about the y-axis) -->9

60. Hey baby if i supply the voltage and you a little resistance, imagine the current we can make together. (V=IR => (V/R)=I)

61. Baby stop with diet coke, you've got plenty of ASSpertame

62. Yo baby, you want to see me solve a quadratic? (isolve niya ang vertex sa parabola...xp)

63. Baby, lim (u->me) ∫ e^x = f(u)^n.

64. On a scale of 1-10, you're a solid e to the power of pi

65. I wish I was your secant line so I could touch you in at least two places!

66. Baby ill be your asymptotes so i can shape your curves...

67. Would you like to see the exponential growth of my natural log?

68. If you were a graphics calculator, i'd look at your curves all day long!

69. hey girl, let's get together and figure out our heat of fusion

70. it's a good thing you've got evaporative cooling, cause i'm gonna make you sweat

71. hey baby, lets figure out the torque of your mass on my rod

72.I don't know if you're in my range, but I'd sure like to take you home to my domain.

73. Hey baby. Want to squeeze my theorem while I poly your nomial?

74. Hey baby, I'm like a rubix cube. The more you play with me, the harder I get.

75. You're so hot, you must be the cause for global warming.

76. Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity or time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.

77. I hope you know set theory because I want to intersect you and union you.

78. If I were a Shwann cell, I'd squeeze areound your axon and give you a fast action potential.

79. You must be an asymptote, because I just find myself getting closer and closer to you.

80. You're as sweet at 3.14.

81. You must be massive because I'm attracted to you. (mas dako ang gravitational force sng bigger mass)

82. I won't stop bugging you until I get the address to your home page!

83. You fascinate me more than the fundamental theorem of calculus.

84. My love for you is like a concave function's positive first derivative, because it's always increasing.

85. Let's convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.

86. Why don't we measure the coefficient of static friction between me and you?

87. You're hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power!

88. In Euclidean geometry two parallel lines never touch ... let's go back to my place and study some non-Euclidean geometry.

89. My vector has a really large magnitude. Would you care to normalize it?

90. You and I must have the same natural frequency, because we resonate together.

91. Can I plug my solution into your equation?

92. I wish I were a predicate so I could be the direct object of your affection.

93. Can I bombard your singularity with my rocket ship until you supernova?

94. you are the log(base 10) 10^1... (equal na xa sa 1...)

95. Let's work out our orbicularis oris muscles together!
*orbicularis oris = kissing muscles

96. The direction fields of my heart all point to you

97. Want to be my substrate/enzyme?

98. You have 206 bones in your body... want one more? (d ko ni gets... dba la man bone ang ehem??? uhhh.... anyway, pano ko man b mabal-an noh?????)

99. Chem students do it on the table periodically

100. If you let me work hard enough, I can give you a dipole moment

101. I love you like an unspoken metaphor. That's why I had to use a simile.

102. Instead of being the derivative, id much rather be the secant so i can touch u not only once, but twice

103. Lets make love like pi; irrational and never ending

104. baby lets measure the amplitude of our physical wave

105. baby you're the basis of my mind. no matter what i think of, it all comes back to you

106. Maybe later we can go over to my place and titrate until you reach your end-point...

107. The word of the day is "Legs", lets go back to my place and spread the word

108. Baby, you must be a pile of dinosaur bones, cause I dig you!

109. Baby, you're body is like a hyperbola

110. Are you the square root of 2? because I feel irrational when I'm around you

111. Being with you is like switching to polar coordinates: complex and imaginary things now have a magnitude and direction.

112. You can put a Trojan in my Hard Drive anytime

113. Baby you must be a modulus sign, 'cos whenever you wrap your arms round me i always feel positive!

114. Baby, I'm like an oceanic plate on a gravity slide - I can't wait to subduct beneath your crust!

115. You're so hot you denature my proteins

116. Baby you know this shit isn't's firewire!

117. Let's just cut to the chase, I wanna hotsync your PDA.

118. Can I annex your territory after class?

119. I'll be your Secretary of the Interior...

120. I bet if Jefferson had met you, he would have vetoed the Non-Intercourse Act.

121. Want to go back to my place and discuss Big Stick Diplomacy?

122. Want to reenact the Battle of the Bulge?

123. Hey, up for some high-energy quantum tunnelling tonight?

124. If you were a concentration gradient I'd go down on you

125. Girl whenever I am near you, I undergo anaerobic respiration because you take my breath away

126. If you were C6, and i were H12, all we would need is the air we breathe to be sweeter than sugar...

127. we've been differentiating for too long, lets sum it up and integrate

128. my love for you is a monotonically increasing unbounded function

129. Your beauty defies real and complex analysis.

130. Your hottness is the only reason we can't reach absolute zero.

131. I use my rod of infinite length for more than just simplifying calculations...

132. You must be a magnetic monopole because all i get from you is attraction

133. My love for you is like pi, it's never-ending.

134. I wish we were in telophase, cause then I could admire your cleavage

135. baby you must be O2 cuz i m about to combust all over you

136. I just bought a molecular model kit, want to play with my stick and balls?

137. Forget hydrogen you're my number one element

138. you are like a proton in my core--without you i could never be the same.

139. Hey baby, wanna form a synapse with me and exchange neurotransmitters?

140. Baby, if you were oceanic crust and I was a continent, I'd let you subduct so we can make hot hot magma.

141. I do believe I am your reciprocal; we will be one when we multiply.

142. Hey baby, wanna form a zygote?

143. If I toss a fair coin, what are my chances of getting head?

144. hey baby, do you need an anatomy tutor? They say i'm the best because i prefer to use a more HANDS-ON approach.

145. Are you a non volitaile particle? Because you raise my boiling point.

146. If I went binary, you would be the 1 for me.

147. my hypothalamus must be secreting serotonin because baby, i want you!

148. My love is like communism; everyone gets a share, and it's only good in theory.

149. you must be absolute, because every time you're around me, i feel positive

150. Hey baby, can I be your enzyme? because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.

151. Why don't you remove those barriers to imports? It will ease my inflation and the benefits will trickle down.

152. how about you Palmitoylate my protein, so i can drive it into your lipid raft.

153. baby, i'm gonna break you like a large non-polar substance breaks a phospholipid bilayer!

154. what say we slip between my beta-pleated sheets and you get to know my alpha-helix?

155. i couldn't help but notice your impressive cleavage furrow...

156. let's exchange plasmids - my pilus is huge.

157. baby, if you let me pump my H+ ions into your intermembrane space, it would induce a massive conformational change in my f1 complex.

nyahahaha!!!! i lurv this gid ya... haha! xp
luv you guys!!! halong gid kamo pirme ha???n.n


charisse_pescos said...

i say... woah... o.O

Mixtry said...


Proof that we're quite the nerdy bunch. And nerdy-geeky people are nice. <3

JEsmean said...

doll! wala gid ko kabalo nga amo na gina mean nila nga application to real life sang math, physics kag chem.. hahaha.. joke lang..

kag wala ko gid gali na-guess nga ikaw ang nag-post.. una ko nga guess si kent.. sorry kent, damo daan bio sa umpisa.. haha..

Mixtry said...

Abi ko bala si Geb. xDDD

ac08qbla said...

Lower, ngaa 157 gid!!! hahaha..

Anyway, lower, my innocent eyes just bursted into flames.. hahaha..

geb said...

marian.. din mu nmn na ginpanguha? o.O