Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lo - lo - lo - lo - lo - lo - lolipop..

Posted by ac08qbla

Nagpop lang sa brain ko ang song..

Anyway.. I have this thai 2nd year, and her name is Monrada..
But we call her mon..

One day, my malaysian friend, Azhar, tried to make fun of her..
Azhar: "Mon, do you know what sister is in Malay??"
Mon: "no.. can you teach me??"
Azhar: "It's poke, so when I call you now, I say, poke mon, which means sister mon"

Azhar kept on repeating pokemon pokemon pokemon..

Mon realized that there was something fishy, and asked Amin, the other malaysian 2nd year, on what does poke mon really mean in malay..

I was with amin, and I said, "mon, you shouldn't say that, do you know that poke is a bad word in Filipino??"

And I found out later on that same goes with malay, it's just that they speak it differently, puki.. haha... Mon got really pissed off with me cause I told her jokingly, what about your sister?? is it "mon's poke???".. haha..

Also, thanks to me, my bangladeshi dormmate is now saying "Putang ina mo".. He is having a compilation of swear words in every language.. He actually is very good at it..
Usual thing he says: "What the fucking hell is this??", "What the fuck are you doing?".. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"..
I was surprised one time, when he was singing (in a very weird way) ("Pinoy ka sigaw na sigaw na, sige.. kung maganda ka sigaw na, sige.. kung buhay mo'y mahalaga, sige.. salamat sa 'yong suporta..")!!! haha.. It was really weird, I was like "Hey!! It is Filipino!!".. Apparently he likes black eyed peas.. so that's why..

And I also have this self taught class, where all people of different languages chose study their own language. When we are having a discussion, i find it so funny because all people have different accents.. Russian is very weird like I couldn't understand it at all!!, malay is like a karay-a person speaking english, middle easterns have thier own accents as well, so does the africans..

There was also this night when Amin, a malaysian, and Miguel, a spanish, was talking to me, and the topic later came to the language. When we started comparing words, I found out that kinaray-a is very like malay, tagalog is a very mix of spanish and malay.. I find it interesting, because the general trend was that, if it wasn't spanish, then it is malay.. haha..
Most of what we call our body parts are malay words (mata, irong, talinga, etc..).. And also, isa dalawa tatlo apat is very similar to malay..
Most of the things in our house are spanish (kutsara, tinidor, kutsilyo, plato, kotse)..
They went almost hysterical when I told them that "hey, I think the spanish words that we have are the things we took from them.." haha..

Also, did you know that apart from the Filipino one, there is also a Thai, Cambodian, and a Malay Version of Qing Fei De Yi??? The OST of Meteor Garden Season 1.. It was really cool!! Like we started singing it in our different languages!! haha..

We have a table football in our house, each house has one.. And you know the rule that somebody has to run around naked if he is beaten 10-0?? My Jordanian dormmate Jawad did it after losing to Ehsan, my Bangladeshi dormmate.. Haha.. But he had his boxers on though..

I still have lots of stuff to tell you but I still have lots of stuff to do..
Exams are this week.. Pray for me guys.. Weeeheeee!!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas..

Love y'all..



charisse_pescos said...

huy... namian ku bla sng 'lolli lolli lolli lolli let me see you pop that body'... XD

ksadya da cmu friend quinn nu???

wla kman da boring times???

hehehe God bless sa exams mu quinn...

may prelims man kmi gni next week...