Sunday, September 28, 2008

Quinn at Atlantic College

Posted by ac08qbla

Freshies in POWYS

Hello guys!! I miss you all!!

I'm here for a week already, and I think this place is really great.. I'm loving most of my subjects, which are Maths higher, Higher Chemistry and Higher Physics, Standard Level Filipino, Standard Level Geography, and Standard Level English A2(I find English A2 not so good.. haha..).. I like the fact that I was the one who chose my subjects (I finally had to say goodbye to history after a long time, but I still have English!! haha..) I'm loving the fact that we are having the meals in the castle and we do the laundry there as well (isn't it cool??)..

The people too are very nice!! Our house is named POWYS, and the people here are really great.. Our houseparents, Michel and Sarah, are very nice too!! My dormmates are Jawad (Jordan), Ehsan (Bangladesh), and Aslak (Norway).. They are nice, and they are encouraging me not to study (My fellow first year, Jawad, is even restricting me to go to the library).. Hahaha..

So basically that's it, this day marked my first week at AC, and I'm still checking things out.. The school is sort of a maze (especially the castle), so I still have to find my way around a little bit..
Wales is a bit cold, well, the hottest temperature I got outdoors is like SM cinema, which they call nice and warm weather.. But there are times that my teeth still tatter even if I have my coat on.. Hehe..
These are the times where you'll really appreciate the sun, it really warms up the world.. haha..

I think that's all for now.. I will have to meet you soon guys..

Miss you all, really..

All the best,



georgie said...

shucks... mukha talagang enjoy ka diyan.. huhuhuhu. gusto mo rin diyan!!! haha. hindi kami magpapatalo ni ate. punta kami greenland!!!!!! haha. someday, someday. miss you fyubi!!

Mixtry said...

Maygad, Friend. Isn't it awesome? A whole new environment to explore and tackle. Mayo pa gid gani kay wala ka ginaaway. TG for that. :]

ac08qbla said...

Wala man ah.. hehe..

I got this WTH story:

I was at the dining hall at the castle, when this kitchen lady suddenly talked to me:

"Excuse me dear, who are you with??"

I got really puzzled, and had threw her a questioning look..

There was a long pause, and then she said:

"Oh, are you a student dear??"

I nodded..

"I'm very sorry darling.."


The kitchen lady thought I was somebody else's younger brother!!! Yesterday was really a bad day.. haha..

Mixtry said...

Had thrown Friend. :]

Ahay ah. Kaluluoy man. D:

Jessil Ray Aguilar said...

Go kitchen lady!!!!

ka gaga man na man!


Hoy! basi pag balik mu di inglesero kna!

Buot man da mga tawo??
basi may mga racist da??

Go racists!!!!

miss u kin!!!!!(='@'=)

ac08qbla said...

Daw wala pa man ko naencounter nga racist people ah.. hehe..

Indi gid ko ya mag-english pagbalik ku.. hehe.. 2 years is too much already.. hehe..

oblivious2dobvious said...


english gid toh ang ginpost mo ah..

gina-imagine ko lang nga ginahambal mo toh with welsh/british accent...


go wales...

diano_bryan090192 said...

bubi... hehe...

super hapi q pra s imu... hehe... andaman lng nah sa mga racist people e... aq ila nga qntra... hehe....

feeling mu alam k gd hw?.. 2on k gd ky kelangan mu nah... hehe....

hehe... joke lng bubi... hehe.. missing u...!!

kfernandez said...

What's up man?.
how's life in and out there?..
miz u..qwerty..