Monday, September 1, 2008

Hapi birthday

Posted by oblivious2dobvious

Happy Birthday Bryan

yey...Sweet Sixteen...


ac08qbla said...

happy birthday bra!! Haha..

I wish you more alam!! hahaha..

Kinanglan mo pa na?? Hehe..

Miss you bra!!

Nagpost ko sang pics ta gali!! hehe..

geb said...

bday bday bra XD

diano_bryan090192 said...

tnx to all.. hehe....

16 n q... hehe... na sa aqn.. hehe...

tnx angie.. hehe... mis y'all.... hehe....

to quin: ndi q n gwa klangan sang more alam... hehe.... super alam na q dan... hehe...

diano_bryan090192 said...

tnx to all.. hehe....

miss u... hehe...

tnx bubi...!!! super bubi n gd q... hehe....

Mixtry said...

Belated na ni Bra. Plano ko mag-greet kagapon pero... Buta ang net. Ilinit. D:<
Anyways... Wish you the best on your sweet sixteen!!